Maison du Patrimoine

Maison du Patrimoine

Type : Attractions
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Head on a discovery of the High Valley of the Doubs’ human heritage!

You will roam the rooms of the old presbytery, rebuilt as it was during the 19th century. The region’s history, traditions, lifestyles, local dialects, the function of a presbytery, the personality of the country priest, etc., these are all topics that will be discussed during your visit. The Maison du Patrimoine offers a fun visit (guided tour or independent visit) using 3D animated movies, audio commentary and illustrated signs. 

Don’t miss the museum’s main attraction: the state room where you will find classified panoramic wallpaper! It recounts the Joseph’s life and is unique due to its state of preservation.

If the weather is nice, you will enjoy a walk in the priest’s garden, maintained as it would have been in a time when medicinal plants were tended alongside flowers and vegetables.

This museum is the result of a municipal project led by the Association de Préservation du Patrimoine Local de Remoray-Boujeons. This NGO aims to preserve, promote and pass on local Doubs heritage and maintain local cultural events.

Practical informations

Open from May to October and all school holidays: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Outside of these periods: Saturday and Sunday

Guided visit: 2 pm and 4:30 pm (Adults: €6, children: €3, reduced price: €4, children under 6: free).

Independent visits: on appointment (€3)


Maison du Patrimoine              
9 bis Place de la Mairie              
25160 Remoray-Boujeons     
