Sous la Roche belvedere

Sous la Roche belvedere

Fauna – Flora
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Take the time to appreciate the view: the blue waters of the Lac de Coiselet, created by a dam downstream, wind along the bottom of a distinct relief. 
With a bit of patience, you may see some of the birds of prey that nest in the nearby cliffs, and you can use the interpretive signs on-site to recognise their species.

Three interpretive signs are found on the belvedere near the parking lot; they invite visitors to observe the birds in their natural habitat. 

  • An exceptional viewpoint for birdwatching 
  • The peregrine falcon’s domain 
  • The peregrine falcon’s in-flight hunt

Practical informations

Recommendations: The road leading up to the belvedere is narrow and bendy. Don’t hesitate to alert others to your presence by using your horn. 

Road access: 12 km south of Moirans-en-Montagne via the D 299 and the D 295. The parking lot can be found on the edge of the D 295 that heads up between Chancia and Montclusel.

Suggested parking: belvedere parking lot, Chancia.


Office de Tourisme Jura Sud
3 bis rue du Murgin
39260 Moirans-en-Montagne
03 84 42 31 57
